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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.puzzles:18149 news.answers:3080
- Newsgroups: rec.puzzles,news.answers
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- From: uunet!questrel!chris (Chris Cole)
- Subject: rec.puzzles FAQ, part 15 of 15
- Message-ID: <puzzles-faq-15_717034101@questrel.com>
- Followup-To: rec.puzzles
- Summary: This posting contains a list of
- Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers).
- It should be read by anyone who wishes to
- post to the rec.puzzles newsgroup.
- Sender: chris@questrel.com (Chris Cole)
- Reply-To: uunet!questrel!faql-comment
- Organization: Questrel, Inc.
- References: <puzzles-faq-1_717034101@questrel.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 00:09:54 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 00:08:21 GMT
- Lines: 1411
- Archive-name: puzzles-faq/part15
- Last-modified: 1992/09/20
- Version: 3
- ==> probability/coupon.s <==
- The problem is well known under the name of "COUPON COLLECTOR PROBLEM".
- The answer for n equally likely coupons is
- (1) C(n)=n*H(n) with H(n)=1+1/2+1/3+...+1/n.
- In the unequal probabilities case, with p_i the probability of coupon i,
- it becomes
- (2) C(n)=int_0^infty [1-prod_{i=1}^n (1-exp(-p_i*t))] dt
- which reduces to (1) when p_i=1/n (An easy exercise).
- In the equal probabilities case C(n)~n log(n). For a Zipf law,
- from (2), we have C(n)~n log^2(n).
- A related problem is the "BIRTHDAY PARADOX" familiar to people
- interested in hashing algorithms: With a party of 24 persons,
- you are likely (i.e. with probability >50%) to find two with
- the same birthday. The non equiprobable case was solved by:
- M. Klamkin and D. Newman, Extensions of the birthday
- surprise, J. Comb. Th. 3 (1967), 279-282.
- ==> probability/darts.p <==
- Peter throws two darts at a dartboard, aiming for the center. The
- second dart lands farther from the center than the first. If Peter now
- throws another dart at the board, aiming for the center, what is the
- probability that this third throw is also worse (i.e., farther from
- the center) than his first? Assume Peter's skilfulness is constant.
- ==> probability/darts.s <==
- Since the three darts are thrown independently,
- they each have a 1/3 chance of being the best throw. As long as the
- third dart is not the best throw, it will be worse than the first dart.
- Therefore the answer is 2/3.
- Ranking the three darts' results from A (best) to C
- (worst), there are, a priori, six equiprobable outcomes.
- possibility # 1 2 3 4 5 6
- 1st throw A A B B C C
- 2nd throw B C A C A B
- 3rd throw C B C A B A
- The information from the first two throws shows us that the first
- throw will not be the worst, nor the second throw the best. Thus
- possibilities 3, 5 and 6 are eliminated, leaving three equiprobable
- cases, 1, 2 and 4. Of these, 1 and 2 have the third throw worse than
- the first; 4 does not. Again the answer is 2/3.
- ==> probability/flips.p <==
- Consider a run of coin tosses: HHTHTTHTTTHTTTTHHHTHHHHHTHTTHT
- Define a success as a run of one H or T (as in THT or HTH). Use two
- different methods of sampling. The first method would consist of
- sampling the above data by taking 7 groups of three. This translates
- into the following sequences HHT, HTT, HTT, THT, TTT, HHH, and THH.
- In this sample there was one success, THT. The second method of
- sampling could be gotten by taking the groups in a serial sequence.
- Another way of explaining the method would be to take the tosses 1, 2,
- and 3 as the first set then tosses 2, 3, and 4 as the second set and
- so on to produce seven samples. The samples would be HHT, HTH, THT,
- HTT TTH, THT, and HTT, thus giving two success, HTH and THT. With
- these two methods what would be the expected value and the standard
- deviation for both methods?
- ==> probability/flips.s <==
- Case 1:
- Let us start with a simple case: Define success as T and consider
- sequences of length 1. In this case, the two sampling techniques are
- equivalent. Assuming that we are examining a truly random sequence of
- T and H. Thus if n groups of single sequences are considered or a
- sequence of length n is considered we will have the following
- statistics on the number of successes:
- Mean = n/2, and standard deviation (sd) = square_root(n)/2
- Case 2:
- Define success as HT or TH: Here the two sampling techniques need to
- be distinguished:
- Sampling 1: Take "n" groups of two: Here probability of getting success in
- any group is 1/2 (TH and HT out of 4 possible cases). So the mean and the
- standard deviation is same as described in case 1.
- Sampling 2: Generate a sequence of length "n". It is easy to show
- that (n-1) samples are generated. The number of successes in this
- sequence is same as the number of T to H and H to T transitions. This
- problem is solved in John P. Robinson, Transition Count and Syndrome
- are Uncorrelated, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Jan 1988.
- I will just state the results:
- mean = (n-1)/2 and standard deviation = square_root(n-1)/2.
- In fact, if you want "n" samples in this case you need to generate
- length (n+1) sequence. Then the new mean and standard deviation are
- the same as described in Sampling 1. (replace n by n+1). The
- advantage in this sampling (i.e., sampling 2) is that you need only
- generate a sequence length of (n+1) to obtain n sample points as
- opposed to 2n (n groups of 2) in Sampling 1.
- OBSERVATION: The statistics has not changed.
- Case 3:
- Define success as THT and HTH.
- Sampling 1: This is a simple situation. Let us assume "n" samples
- need to be generated. Therefore, "n" groups of three are generated.
- The probability of a group being successful is 1/4 (THT and HTH out of
- 8 cases). Therefore mean and standard deviation are:
- mean= n/4 and sd= square_root(7n)/4
- Sampling 2: This is not a simple situation. Let us generate a random
- sequence of length "n". There will be (n-2) samples in this case.
- Use an approach similar to that followed in the Jan 88 IEEE paper. I
- will just state the results. First we define a function or enumerator
- P(n,k) as the number of length "n" sequences that generate "k"
- successes. For example,
- P(4,1)= 4 (HHTH, HTHH, TTHT, and THTT are 4 possible length 4 sequences).
- I derived two generating functions g(x) and h(x) in order to enumerate
- P(n,k), they are compactly represented by the following matrix
- polynomial.
- _ _ _ _ _ _
- | g(x) | | 1 1 | (n-3) | 4 |
- | | = | | | |
- | h(x) | | 1 x | |2+2x |
- |_ _| |_ _| |_ _|
- The above is expressed as matrix generating function. It can be shown
- that P(n,k) is the coefficient of the x^k in the polynomial
- (g(x)+h(x)).
- For example, if n=4 we get (g(x)+h(x)) from the matrix generating
- function as (10+4x+2x^2). Clearly, P(4,1) (coefficient of x) is 4 and
- P(4,2)=2 ( There are two such sequences THTH, and HTHT).
- We can show that
- mean(k) = (n-2)/4 and sd= square_root(5n-12)/4
- If we want to compare Sampling 1 with Sampling 2 then in Sampling 2 we
- need to generate "n" samples. This can be done by using sequences of length
- (n+2). Then our new statistics would be
- mean = n/4 (same as that in sampling 1)
- sd = square_root(5n-2)/4 (not the same as in sampling 1)
- sd in sampling 2 < sd in sampling 1.
- This difference can be explained by the fact that in serial sampling
- there is dependence on the past state. For example, if the past
- sample was TTT then we know that the next sample can't be a success.
- This was not the case in Case 1 or Case 2 (transition count). For
- example, in case 2 success was independent of previous sample. That is
- if my past sample was TT then my next sample can be TT or TH. The
- probability of success in Case 1 and Case 2 is not influenced by past
- history).
- Similar approach can be followed for higher dimensional cases.
- Here's a C program I had lying around that is relevant to the
- current discussion of coin-flipping. The algorithm is N^3 (for N flips)
- but it could certainly be improved. Compile with
- cc -o flip flip.c -lm
- -- Guy
- _________________ Cut here ___________________
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- char *progname; /* Program name */
- #define NOT(c) (('H' + 'T') - (c))
- /* flip.c -- a program to compute the expected waiting time for a sequence
- of coin flips, or the probabilty that one sequence
- of coin flips will occur before another.
- Guy Jacobson, 11/1/90
- */
- main (ac, av) int ac; char **av;
- {
- char *f1, *f2, *parseflips ();
- double compute ();
- progname = av[0];
- if (ac == 2) {
- f1 = parseflips (av[1]);
- printf ("Expected number of flips until %s = %.1f\n",
- f1, compute (f1, NULL));
- }
- else if (ac == 3) {
- f1 = parseflips (av[1]);
- f2 = parseflips (av[2]);
- if (strcmp (f1, f2) == 0) {
- printf ("Can't use the same flip sequence.\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- printf ("Probability of flipping %s before %s = %.1f%%\n",
- av[1], av[2], compute (f1, f2) * 100.0);
- }
- else
- usage ();
- }
- char *parseflips (s) char *s;
- {
- char *f = s;
- while (*s)
- if (*s == 'H' || *s == 'h')
- *s++ = 'H';
- else if (*s == 'T' || *s == 't')
- *s++ = 'T';
- else
- usage ();
- return f;
- }
- usage ()
- {
- printf ("usage: %s {HT}^n\n", progname);
- printf ("\tto get the expected waiting time, or\n");
- printf ("usage: %s s1 s2\n\t(where s1, s2 in {HT}^n for some fixed n)\n",
- progname);
- printf ("\tto get the probability that s1 will occur before s2\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- /*
- compute -- if f2 is non-null, compute the probability that flip
- sequence f1 will occur before f2. With null f2, compute
- the expected waiting time until f1 is flipped
- technique:
- Build a DFA to recognize (H+T)*f1 [or (H+T)*(f1+f2) when f2
- is non-null]. Randomly flipping coins is a Markov process on the
- graph of this DFA. We can solve for the probability that f1 precedes
- f2 or the expected waiting time for f1 by setting up a linear system
- of equations relating the values of these unknowns starting from each
- state of the DFA. Solve this linear system by Gaussian Elimination.
- */
- typedef struct state {
- char *s; /* pointer to substring string matched */
- int len; /* length of substring matched */
- int backup; /* number of one of the two next states */
- } state;
- double compute (f1, f2) char *f1, *f2;
- {
- double solvex0 ();
- int i, j, n1, n;
- state *dfa;
- int nstates;
- char *malloc ();
- n = n1 = strlen (f1);
- if (f2)
- n += strlen (f2); /* n + 1 states in the DFA */
- dfa = (state *) malloc ((unsigned) ((n + 1) * sizeof (state)));
- if (!dfa) {
- printf ("Ouch, out of memory!\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- /* set up the backbone of the DFA */
- for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
- dfa[i].s = (i <= n1) ? f1 : f2;
- dfa[i].len = (i <= n1) ? i : i - n1;
- }
- /* for i not a final state, one next state of i is simply
- i+1 (this corresponds to another matching character of dfs[i].s
- The other next state (the backup state) is now computed.
- It is the state whose substring matches the longest suffix
- with the last character changed */
- for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
- dfa[i].backup = 0;
- for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
- if ((dfa[j].len > dfa[dfa[i].backup].len)
- && dfa[i].s[dfa[i].len] == NOT (dfa[j].s[dfa[j].len - 1])
- && strncmp (dfa[j].s, dfa[i].s + dfa[i].len - dfa[j].len + 1,
- dfa[j].len - 1) == 0)
- dfa[i].backup = j;
- }
- /* our dfa has n + 1 states, so build a system n + 1 equations
- in n + 1 unknowns */
- eqsystem (n + 1);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- if (i == n1)
- equation (1.0, n1, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0, -1.0);
- else
- equation (1.0, i, -0.5, i + 1, -0.5, dfa[i].backup, f2 ? 0.0 : -1.0);
- equation (1.0, n, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0);
- free (dfa);
- return solvex0 ();
- }
- /* a simple gaussian elimination equation solver */
- double *m, **M;
- int rank;
- int neq = 0;
- /* create an n by n system of linear equations. allocate space
- for the matrix m, filled with zeroes and the dope vector M */
- eqsystem (n) int n;
- {
- char *calloc ();
- int i;
- m = (double *) calloc (n * (n + 1), sizeof (double));
- M = (double **) calloc (n, sizeof (double *));
- if (!m || !M) {
- printf ("Ouch, out of memory!\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- M[i] = &m[i * (n + 1)];
- rank = n;
- neq = 0;
- }
- /* add a new equation a * x_na + b * x_nb + c * x_nc + d = 0.0
- (note that na, nb, and nc are not necessarily all distinct.) */
- equation (a, na, b, nb, c, nc, d) double a, b, c, d; int na, nb, nc;
- {
- double *eq = M[neq++]; /* each row is an equation */
- eq[na + 1] += a;
- eq[nb + 1] += b;
- eq[nc + 1] += c;
- eq[0] = d; /* column zero holds the constant term */
- }
- /* solve for the value of variable x_0. This will go nuts if
- therer are errors (for example, if m is singular) */
- double solvex0 ()
- {
- register i, j, jmax, k;
- register double max, val;
- register double *maxrow, *row;
- for (i = rank; i > 0; --i) { /* for each variable */
- /* find pivot element--largest value in ith column*/
- max = 0.0;
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
- if (fabs (M[j][i]) > fabs (max)) {
- max = M[j][i];
- jmax = j;
- }
- /* swap pivot row with last row using dope vectors */
- maxrow = M[jmax];
- M[jmax] = M[i - 1];
- M[i - 1] = maxrow;
- /* normalize pivot row */
- max = 1.0 / max;
- for (k = 0; k <= i; k++)
- maxrow[k] *= max;
- /* now eliminate variable i by subtracting multiples of pivot row */
- for (j = 0; j < i - 1; j++) {
- row = M[j];
- if (val = row[i]) /* if variable i is in this eq */
- for (k = 0; k <= i; k++)
- row[k] -= maxrow[k] * val;
- }
- }
- /* the value of x0 is now in constant column of first row
- we only need x0, so no need to back-substitute */
- val = -M[0][0];
- free (M);
- free (m);
- return val;
- }
- _________________________________________________________________
- Guy Jacobson (201) 582-6558 AT&T Bell Laboratories
- uucp: {att,ucbvax}!ulysses!guy 600 Mountain Avenue
- internet: guy@ulysses.att.com Murray Hill NJ, 07974
- ==> probability/flush.p <==
- Which set contains more flushes than the set of all possible hands?
- (1) Hands whose first card is an ace
- (2) Hands whose first card is the ace of spades
- (3) Hands with at least one ace
- (4) Hands with the ace of spades
- ==> probability/flush.s <==
- An arbitrary hand can have two aces but a flush hand can't. The average
- number of aces that appear in flush hands is the same as the average
- number of aces in arbitrary hands, but the aces are spread out more
- evenly for the flush hands, so set #3 contains a higher fraction of flushs.
- Aces of spades, on the other hand, are spread out the same way over possible
- hands as they are over flush hands, since there is only one of them in the deck.
- Whether or not a hand is flush is based solely on a comparison between
- different cards in the hand, so looking at just one card is necessarily
- uninformative. So the other sets contain the same fraction of flushes
- as the set of all possible hands.
- ==> probability/hospital.p <==
- A town has two hospitals, one big and one small. Every day the big
- hospital delivers 1000 babies and the small hospital delivers 100
- babies. There's a 50/50 chance of male or female on each birth.
- Which hospital has a better chance of having the same number of boys
- as girls?
- ==> probability/hospital.s <==
- If there are 2N babies born, then the probability of an even split is
- (2N choose N) / (2 ** 2N) ,
- where (2N choose N) = (2N)! / (N! * N!) .
- This is a DECREASING function.
- Think about it. If there are two babies born, then the probability of a
- split is 1/2 (just have the second baby be different from the first).
- With 2N babies, If there is a N,N-1 split in the first 2N-1, then there
- is a 1/2 chance of the last baby making it an even split. Otherwise
- there can be no even split. Therefore the probability is less than 1/2
- overall for an even split.
- As N goes to infinity the probability of an even split approaches zero
- (although it is still the most likely event).
- ==> probability/icos.p <==
- The "house" rolls two 20-sided dice and the "player" rolls one
- 20-sided die. If the player rolls a number on his die between the
- two numbers the house rolled, then the player wins. Otherwise, the
- house wins (including ties). What are the probabilities of the player
- winning?
- ==> probability/icos.s <==
- It is easily seen that if any two of the three dice agree that the
- house wins. The probability that this does not happen is 19*18/(20*20).
- If the three numbers are different, the probability of winning is 1/3.
- So the chance of winning is 19*18/(20*20*3) = 3*19/200 = 57/200.
- ==> probability/intervals.p <==
- Given two random points x and y on the interval 0..1, what is the average
- size of the smallest of the three resulting intervals?
- ==> probability/intervals.s <==
- You could make a graph of the size of the
- smallest interval versus x and y. We know that the height of the
- graph is 0 along all the edges of the unit square where it is defined
- and on the line x=y. It achieves its maximum of 1/3 at (1/3,2/3) and
- (2/3,1/3). Assuming the graph has no curves or bizzare jags, the
- volume under the graph must be 1/9 and so the average height must also
- be 1/9.
- ==> probability/lights.p <==
- Waldo and Basil are exactly m blocks west and n blocks north from Central Park,
- and always go with the green light until they run out of options. Assuming
- that the probability of the light being green is 1/2 in each direction and
- that if the light is green in one direction it is red in the other, find the
- expected number of red lights that Waldo and Basil will encounter.
- ==> probability/lights.s <==
- Let E(m,n) be this number, and let (x)C(y) = x!/(y! (x-y)!). A model
- for this problem is the following nxm grid:
- ^ B---+---+---+ ... +---+---+---+ (m,0)
- | | | | | | | | |
- N +---+---+---+ ... +---+---+---+ (m,1)
- <--W + E--> : : : : : : : :
- S +---+---+---+ ... +---+---+---+ (m,n-1)
- | | | | | | | | |
- v +---+---+---+ ... +---+---+---E (m,n)
- where each + represents a traffic light. We can consider each
- traffic light to be a direction pointer, with an equal chance of
- pointing either east or south.
- IMHO, the best way to approach this problem is to ask: what is the
- probability that edge-light (x,y) will be the first red edge-light
- that the pedestrian encounters? This is easy to answer; since the
- only way to reach (x,y) is by going south x times and east y times,
- in any order, we see that there are (x+y)C(x) possible paths from
- (0,0) to (x,y). Since each of these has probability (1/2)^(x+y+1)
- of occuring, we see that the the probability we are looking for is
- (1/2)^(x+y+1)*(x+y)C(x). Multiplying this by the expected number
- of red lights that will be encountered from that point, (n-k+1)/2,
- we see that
- m-1
- -----
- \
- E(m,n) = > ( 1/2 )^(n+k+1) * (n+k)C(n) * (m-k+1)/2
- /
- -----
- k=0
- n-1
- -----
- \
- + > ( 1/2 )^(m+k+1) * (m+k)C(m) * (n-k+1)/2 .
- /
- -----
- k=0
- Are we done? No! Putting on our Captain Clever Cap, we define
- n-1
- -----
- \
- f(m,n) = > ( 1/2 )^k * (m+k)C(m) * k
- /
- -----
- k=0
- and
- n-1
- -----
- \
- g(m,n) = > ( 1/2 )^k * (m+k)C(m) .
- /
- -----
- k=0
- Now, we know that
- n
- -----
- \
- f(m,n)/2 = > ( 1/2 )^k * (m+k-1)C(m) * (k-1)
- /
- -----
- k=1
- and since f(m,n)/2 = f(m,n) - f(m,n)/2, we get that
- n-1
- -----
- \
- f(m,n)/2 = > ( 1/2 )^k * ( (m+k)C(m) * k - (m+k-1)C(m) * (k-1) )
- /
- -----
- k=1
- - (1/2)^n * (m+n-1)C(m) * (n-1)
- n-2
- -----
- \
- = > ( 1/2 )^(k+1) * (m+k)C(m) * (m+1)
- /
- -----
- k=0
- - (1/2)^n * (m+n-1)C(m) * (n-1)
- = (m+1)/2 * (g(m,n) - (1/2)^(n-1)*(m+n-1)C(m)) - (1/2)^n*(m+n-1)C(m)*(n-1)
- therefore
- f(m,n) = (m+1) * g(m,n) - (n+m) * (1/2)^(n-1) * (m+n-1)C(m) .
- Now, E(m,n) = (n+1) * (1/2)^(m+2) * g(m,n) - (1/2)^(m+2) * f(m,n)
- + (m+1) * (1/2)^(n+2) * g(n,m) - (1/2)^(n+2) * f(n,m)
- = (m+n) * (1/2)^(n+m+1) * (m+n)C(m) + (m-n) * (1/2)^(n+2) * g(n,m)
- + (n-m) * (1/2)^(m+2) * g(m,n) .
- Setting m=n in this formula, we see that
- E(n,n) = n * (1/2)^(2n) * (2n)C(n),
- and applying Stirling's theorem we get the beautiful asymptotic formula
- E(n,n) ~ sqrt(n/pi).
- ==> probability/lottery.p <==
- There n tickets in the lottery, k winners and m allowing you to pick another
- ticket. The problem is to determine the probability of winning the lottery
- when you start by picking 1 (one) ticket.
- A lottery has N balls in all, and you as a player can choose m numbers
- on each card, and the lottery authorities then choose n balls, define
- L(N,n,m,k) as the minimum number of cards you must purchase to ensure that
- at least one of your cards will have at least k numbers in common with the
- balls chosen in the lottery.
- ==> probability/lottery.s <==
- This relates to the problem of rolling a random number
- from 1 to 17 given a 20 sided die. You simply mark the numbers 18,
- 19, and 20 as "roll again".
- The probability of winning is, of course, k/(n-m) as for every k cases
- in which you get x "draw again"'s before winning, you get n-m-k similar
- cases where you get x "draw again"'s before losing. The example using
- dice makes it obvious, however.
- L(N,k,n,k) >= Ceiling((N-choose-k)/(n-choose-k)*
- (n-1-choose-k-1)/(N-1-choose-k-1)*L(N-1,k-1,n-1,k-1))
- = Ceiling(N/n*L(N-1,k-1,n-1,k-1))
- The correct way to see this is as follows: Suppose you have an
- (N,k,n,k) system of cards. Look at all of the cards that contain the
- number 1. They cover all ball sets that contain 1, and therefore these
- cards become an (N-1,k-1,n-1,k-1) covering upon deletion of the number
- 1. Therefore the number 1 must appear at least L(N-1,k-1,n-1,k-1).
- The same is true of all of the other numbers. There are N of them but
- n appear on each card. Thus we obtain the bound.
- ==> probability/particle.in.box.p <==
- A particle is bouncing randomly in a two-dimensional box. How far does it
- travel between bounces, on avergae?
- Suppose the particle is initially at some random position in the box and is
- traveling in a straight line in a random direction and rebounds normally
- at the edges.
- ==> probability/particle.in.box.s <==
- Let theta be the angle of the point's initial vector. After traveling a
- distance r, the point has moved r*cos(theta) horizontally and r*sin(theta)
- vertically, and thus has struck r*(sin(theta)+cos(theta))+O(1) walls. Hence
- the average distance between walls will be 1/(sin(theta)+cos(theta)). We now
- average this over all angles theta:
- 2/pi * intg from theta=0 to pi/2 (1/(sin(theta)+cos(theta))) dtheta
- which (in a computation which is left as an exercise) reduces to
- 2*sqrt(2)*ln(1+sqrt(2))/pi = 0.793515.
- ==> probability/pi.p <==
- Are the digits of pi random (i.e., can you make money betting on them)?
- ==> probability/pi.s <==
- No, the digits of pi are not truly random, therefore you can win money
- playing against a supercomputer that can calculate the digits of pi far
- beyond what we are currently capable of doing. This computer selects a
- position in the decimal expansion of pi -- say, at 10^100. Your job is
- to guess what the next digit or digit sequence is. Specifically, you
- have one dollar to bet. A bet on the next digit, if correct, returns
- 10 times the amount bet; a bet on the next two digits returns 100 times
- the amount bet, and so on. (The dollar may be divided in any fashion,
- so we could bet 1/3 or 1/10000 of a dollar.) You may place bets in any
- combination. The computer will tell you the position number, let you
- examine the digits up to that point, and calculate statistics for you.
- It is easy to set up strategies that might win, if the supercomputer
- doesn't know your strategy. For example, "Always bet on 7" might win,
- if you are lucky. Also, it is easy to set up bets that will always
- return a dollar. For example, if you bet a penny on every two-digit
- sequence, you are sure to win back your dollar. Also, there are
- strategies that might be winning, but we can't prove it. For example,
- it may be that a certain sequence of digits never occurs in pi, but we
- have no way of proving this.
- The problem is to find a strategy that you can prove will always win
- back more than a dollar.
- The assumption that the position is beyond the reach of calculation
- means that we must rely on general facts we know about the sequence of
- digits of pi, which is practically nil. But it is not completely nil,
- and the challenge is to find a strategy that will always win money.
- A theorem of Mahler (1953) states that for all integers p, q > 1,
- -42
- |pi - p/q| > q
- This says that pi cannot have a rational approximation that is
- extremely tight.
- Now suppose that the computer picks position N. I know that the next
- 41 * N digits cannot be all zero. For if they were, then the first N
- digits, treated as a fraction with denominator 10^N, satisfies:
- |pi - p / 10^N| < 10^(-42 N)
- which contradicts Mahler's theorem.
- So, I split my dollar into 10^(41N) - 1 equal parts, and bet on each of
- the sequences of 41N digits, except the one with all zeroes. One of
- the bets is sure to win, so my total profit is about 10(^-41N) of a
- dollar!
- This strategy can be improved a number of ways, such as looking for
- other repeating patterns, or improvements to the bound of 42 -- but the
- earnings are so pathetic, it hardly seems worth the effort.
- Are there other winning strategies, not based on Mahler's theorem? I
- believe there are algorithms that generate 2N binary digits of pi,
- where the computations are separate for each block of N digits. Maybe
- from something like this, we can find a simple subsequence of the
- binary digits of pi which is always zero, or which has some simple
- pattern.
- ==> probability/random.walk.p <==
- Waldo has lost his car keys! He's not using a very efficient search;
- in fact, he's doing a random walk. He starts at 0, and moves 1 unit
- to the left or right, with equal probability. On the next step, he
- moves 2 units to the left or right, again with equal probability. For
- subsequent turns he follows the pattern 1, 2, 1, etc.
- His keys, in truth, were right under his nose at point 0. Assuming
- that he'll spot them the next time he sees them, what is the
- probability that poor Waldo will eventually return to 0?
- ==> probability/random.walk.s <==
- I can show the probability that Waldo returns to 0 is 1. Waldo's
- wanderings map to an integer grid in the plane as follows. Let
- (X_t,Y_t) be the cumulative sums of the length 1 and length 2 steps
- respectively taken by Waldo through time t. By looking only at even t,
- we get the ordinary random walk in the plane, which returns to the
- origin (0,0) with probability 1. In fact, landing at (2n, n) for any n
- will land Waldo on top of his keys too. There's no need to look at odd
- t.
- Similar considerations apply for step sizes of arbitrary (fixed) size.
- ==> probability/reactor.p <==
- There is a reactor in which a reaction is to take place. This reaction
- stops if an electron is present in the reactor. The reaction is started
- with 18 positrons; the idea being that one of these positrons would
- combine with any incoming electron (thus destroying both). Every second,
- exactly one particle enters the reactor. The probablity that this particle
- is an electron is 0.49 and that it is a positron is 0.51.
- What is the probablity that the reaction would go on for ever??
- Note: Once the reaction stops, it cannot restart.
- ==> probability/reactor.s <==
- Let P(n) be the probability that, starting with n positrons, the
- reaction goes on forever. Clearly P'(n+1)=P'(0)*P'(n), where the
- ' indicates probabilistic complementation; also note that
- P'(n) = .51*P'(n+1) + .49*P'(n-1). Hence we have that P(1)=(P'(0))^2
- and that P'(0) = .51*P'(1) ==> P'(0) equals 1 or 49/51. We thus get
- that either P'(18) = 1 or (49/51)^19 ==> P(18) = 0 or 1 - (49/51)^19.
- The answer is indeed the latter. A standard result in random walks
- (which can be easily derived using Markov chains) yields that if p>1/2
- then the probability of reaching the absorbing state at +infinity
- as opposed to the absorbing state at -1 is 1-r^(-i), where r=p/(1-p)
- (p is the probability of moving from state n to state n-1, in our
- case .49) and i equals the starting location + 1. Therefore we have
- that P(18) = 1-(.49/.51)^19.
- ==> probability/roulette.p <==
- You are in a game of Russian roulette, but this time the gun (a 6
- shooter revolver) has three bullets _in_a_row_ in three of the
- chambers. The barrel is spun only once. Each player then points the
- gun at his (her) head and pulls the trigger. If he (she) is still
- alive, the gun is passed to the other player who then points it at his
- (her) own head and pulls the trigger. The game stops when one player
- dies.
- Now to the point: would you rather be first or second to shoot?
- ==> probability/roulette.s <==
- All you need to consider are the six possible bullet configurations
- B B B E E E -> player 1 dies
- E B B B E E -> player 2 dies
- E E B B B E -> player 1 dies
- E E E B B B -> player 2 dies
- B E E E B B -> player 1 dies
- B B E E E B -> player 1 dies
- One therefore has a 2/3 probability of winning (and a 1/3 probability of
- dying) by shooting second. I for one would prefer this option.
- ==> probability/unfair.p <==
- Generate even odds from an unfair coin. For example, if you
- thought a coin was biased toward heads, how could you get the
- equivalent of a fair coin with several tosses of the unfair coin?
- ==> probability/unfair.s <==
- Toss twice. If both tosses give the same result, repeat this process
- (throw out the two tosses and start again). Otherwise, take the first
- of the two results.
- ==> series/series.01.p <==
- M, N, B, D, P ?
- ==> series/series.01.s <==
- T. If you say the sounds these letters make out loud, you
- will see that the next letter is T.
- ==> series/series.02.p <==
- H, H, L, B, B, C, N, O, F ?
- ==> series/series.02.s <==
- Answer 1: N, N, M, A The symbols for the elements.
- Answer 2: N, S, M, A The names of the elements.
- ==> series/series.03.p <==
- W, A, J, M, M, A, J?
- ==> series/series.03.s <==
- J, V, H, T, P, T, F, P, B, L. Presidents.
- ==> series/series.03a.p <==
- G, J, T, J, J, J, A, M, W, J, J, Z, M, F, J, ?
- ==> series/series.03a.s <==
- G, J, T, J, J, J, A, M, W, J, J, Z, M, F, J, A. Presidents' first names.
- ==> series/series.03b.p <==
- A, J, B, C, G, T, C, V, J, T, D, F, K, B, H, ?
- ==> series/series.03b.s <==
- A, J, B, C, G, T, C, V, J, T, D, F, K, B, H, J. Vice Presidents.
- ==> series/series.03c.p <==
- M, A, M, D, E, L, R, H, ?
- ==> series/series.03c.s <==
- M, A, M, D, E, L, R, H, A. Presidents' wives' first names.
- ==> series/series.04.p <==
- A, E, H, I, K, L, ?
- ==> series/series.04.s <==
- M, N, O, P, U, W. Letters in the Hawaiian alphabet.
- ==> series/series.05.p <==
- A B C D E F G H?
- ==> series/series.05.s <==
- M. The names of the cross-streets travelling west on (say) Commonwealth
- Avenue from Boston Garden: Arlington, Berkeley, Clarendon, Dartmouth,
- Exeter, Fairfield, Gloucester, Hereford, Massachusetts Ave.
- ==> series/series.06.p <==
- Z, O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, N?
- ==> series/series.06.s <==
- T. The name of the integers starting with zero.
- ==> series/series.06a.p <==
- F, S, T, F, F, S, ?
- ==> series/series.06a.s <==
- The words "first", "second", "third", etc. The same as the previous from this
- point on.
- ==> series/series.07.p <==
- 1, 1 1, 2 1, 1 2 1 1, ...
- What is the pattern and asymptotics of this series?
- ==> series/series.07.s <==
- Each line is derived from the last by the transformation (for example)
- ... z z z x x y y y ... ->
- ... 3 z 2 x 3 y ...
- John Horton Conway analyzed this in "The Weird and Wonderful Chemistry
- of Audioactive Decay" (T M Cover & B Gopinath (eds) OPEN PROBLEMS IN
- COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTATION, Springer-Verlag (1987)). You can also
- find his most complete FRACTRAN paper in this collection.
- First, he points out that under this sequence, you frequently get
- adjacent subsequences XY which cannot influence each other in any
- future derivation of the sequence rule. The smallest such are
- called "atoms" or "elements". As Conway claims to have proved,
- there are 92 atoms which show up eventually in every sequence, no
- matter what the starting value (besides <> and <22>), and always in
- the same non-zero limiting proportions.
- Conway named them after some other list of 92 atoms. As a puzzle,
- see if you can recreate the list from the following, in decreasing
- atomic number:
- U Pa Th Ac Ra Fr Rn Ho.AT Po Bi Pm.PB Tl Hg Au Pt Ir Os Re Ge.Ca.W Ta
- HF.Pa.H.Ca.W Lu Yb Tm ER.Ca.Co HO.Pm Dy Tb Ho.GD EU.Ca.Co Sm PM.Ca.Zn
- Nd Pr Ce LA.H.Ca.Co Ba Cs Xe I Ho.TE Eu.Ca.SB Pm.SN In Cd Ag Pd Rh
- Ho.RU Eu.Ca.TC Mo Nb Er.ZR Y.H.Ca.Tc SR.U Rb Kr Br Se As GE.Na Ho.GA
- Eu.Ca.Ac.H.Ca.ZN Cu Ni Zn.CO Fe Mn CR.Si V Ti Sc Ho.Pa.H.CA.Co K Ar
- Cl S P Ho.SI Al Mg Pm.NA Ne F O N C B Be Ge.Ca.LI He Hf.Pa.H.Ca.Li
- Uranium is 3, Protactinium is 13, etc. Rn => Ho.AT means the following:
- Radon forms a string that consists of two atoms, Holmium on the left,
- and Astatine on the right. I capitalize the symbol for At to remind
- you that Astatine, and not Holmium, is one less than Radon in atomic
- number. As a check, against you or me making a mistake, Hf is 111xx,
- Nd is 111xxx, In and Ni are 111xxxxx, K is 111x, and H is 22.
- Next see if you can at least prove that any atom other than Hydrogen,
- eventually (and always thereafter) forms strings containing all 92 atoms.
- The grand Conway theorem here is that every string eventually forms (within
- a universal time limit) strings containing all the 92 atoms in certain
- specific non-zero limiting proportions, and that digits N greater than 3
- are eventually restricted to one of two atomic patterns (ie, abc...N and
- def...N for some {1,2,3} sequences abc... and def...), which Conway calls
- isotopes of Np and Pu. (For N=2, these are He and Li), and that these
- transuranic atoms have a zero limiting proportion.
- The longest lived exotic element is Methuselum (2233322211N) which takes
- about 25 applications to reduce to the periodic table.
- -Matthew P Wiener (weemba@libra.wistar.upenn.edu)
- Conway gives many results on the ultimate behavior of strings under
- this transformation: for example, taking the sequence derived from 1
- (or any other string except 2 2), the limit of the ratio of length of
- the (n+1)th term to the length of the nth term as n->infinity is a
- fixed constant, namely
- 1.30357726903429639125709911215255189073070250465940...
- This number is from Ilan Vardi, "Computational Recreations in Mathematica",
- Addison Wesley 1991, page 13.
- Another sequence that is related but not nearly as interesting is:
- 1, 11, 21, 1112, 3112, 211213, 312213, 212223, 114213, 31121314, 41122314,
- 31221324, 21322314,
- and 21322314 generates itself, so we have a cycle.
- ==> series/series.08a.p <==
- G, L, M, B, C, L, M, C, F, S, ?
- ==> series/series.08a.s <==
- Army officer ranks, descending.
- ==> series/series.08b.p <==
- A, V, R, R, C, C, L, L, L, E, ?
- ==> series/series.08b.s <==
- Navy officer ranks, descending.
- ==> series/series.09a.p <==
- S, M, S, S, S, C, P, P, P, ?
- ==> series/series.09a.s <==
- Army non-comm ranks, descending.
- ==> series/series.09b.p <==
- M, S, C, P, P, P, S, S, S, ?
- ==> series/series.09b.s <==
- Navy non-comm ranks, descending.
- ==> series/series.10.p <==
- D, P, N, G, C, M, M, S, ?
- ==> series/series.10.s <==
- N, V, N, N, R. States in Constitution ratification order.
- ==> series/series.11.p <==
- R O Y G B ?
- ==> series/series.11.s <==
- V. Colors.
- ==> series/series.12.p <==
- A, T, G, C, L, ?
- ==> series/series.12.s <==
- V, L, S, S, C, A, P. Zodiacal signs.
- ==> series/series.13.p <==
- M, V, E, M, J, S, ?
- ==> series/series.13.s <==
- U, N, P. Names of the Planets.
- ==> series/series.14.p <==
- A, B, D, O, P, ?
- ==> series/series.14.s <==
- Q, R. Only letters with an inside as printed.
- ==> series/series.14a.p <==
- A, B, D, E, G, O, P, ?
- ==> series/series.14a.s <==
- Q. Letters with cursive insides.
- ==> series/series.15.p <==
- A, E, F, H, I, ?
- ==> series/series.15.s <==
- L, M, N, O, S, U. Letters whose English names start with vowels.
- ==> series/series.16.p <==
- A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y?
- ==> series/series.16.s <==
- Z. Letters whose English names have one syllable.
- ==> series/series.17.p <==
- T, P, O, F, O, F, N, T, S, F, T, F, E, N, S, N?
- ==> series/series.17.s <==
- T, T, T, E, T, E. Digits of Pi.
- ==> series/series.18.p <==
- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, ___ , 100, 121, 10000
- ==> series/series.18.s <==
- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 31 , 100, 121, 10000
- Sixteen in base n for n=16, 15, ..., 2.
- ==> series/series.19.p <==
- 1 01 01011 0101101011011 0101101011011010110101101101011011 etc.
- Each string is formed from the previous string by substituting '01' for '1'
- and '011' for '0' simultaneously at each occurance.
- Notice that each string is an initial substring of the previous string so
- that we may consider them all as initial substrings of an infinite string.
- The puzzle then is, given n, determine if the nth digit is 0 or 1 without
- having to construct all the previous digits. That is, give a non-recursive
- formula for the nth digit.
- ==> series/series.19.s <==
- Let G equal the limit string generated by the above process and define
- the string F by
- F[0] = "0",
- F[n] = "1" if n = floor(phi*m) for some positive integer m,
- F[n] = "0" if n = floor(phi^2*m) for some positive integer m,
- where floor(x) is the greatest integer =< x and phi = (1 + \/5)/2;
- I claim that F = G.
- I will try to motivate my solution. Let g[0]="0" and define g[n+1]
- to be the string that results from replacing "0" in g[n] with "01"
- and "1" with "011"; furthermore, let s(n) and t(n) be the number of
- "0"'s and "1"'s in g[n], respectively. Note that we have the
- following recursive formulas : s(n+1) = s(n) + t(n) and t(n+1) =
- s(n) + 2t(n). I claim that s(n) = Fib(2n-1) and t(n) = Fib(2n),
- where Fib(m) is the mth Fibonacci number (defined by Fib(-1) = 1,
- Fib(0) = 0, Fib(n+1) = Fib(n) + Fib(n-1) for n>=0); this is easily
- established by induction. Now noting that Fib(2n)/Fib(2n-1) -> phi
- as n -> infinity, we see that if the density of the "0"'s and "1"'s
- exists, they must be be 1/phi^2 and 1/phi, respectively. What is
- the simplest generating sequence which has this property? Answer:
- the one given above.
- Proof: We start with
- Beatty's Theorem: if a and b are positive irrational numbers such
- that 1/a + 1/b = 1, then every positive integer has a representation
- of the form floor(am) or floor(bm) (m a positive integer), and this
- representation is unique.
- This shows that F is well-defined. I now claim that
- Lemma: If S(n) and T(n) (yes, two more functions; apparently today's
- the day that functions have their picnic) represent the number of
- "0"'s and "1"'s in the initial string of F of length n, then S(n)
- = ceil(n/phi^2) and T(n) = floor(n/phi) (ceil(x) is the smallest
- integer >= x).
- Proof of lemma: using the identity phi^2 = phi + 1 we see that S(n)
- + T(n) = n, hence for a given n either S(n) = S(n-1) + 1 or T(n) =
- T(n-1) + 1. Now note that if F[n-1]="1" ==> n-1 = floor(phi*m) for
- some positive integer m and since phi*m-1 < floor(phi*m) < phi*m ==>
- m-1/phi < (n-1)/phi < m ==> T(n) = T(n-1) + 1. To finish, note that
- if F[n-1]="0" ==> n-1 = floor(phi^2*m) for some positive integer m
- and since phi^2*m-1 < floor(phi^2*m) < phi^2*m ==> m-1/phi^2 <
- (n-1)/phi^2 < m ==> S(n) = S(n-1) + 1. Q.E.D.
- I will now show that F is invariant under the operation of replacing
- "0" with "01" and "1" with "011"; it will then follow that F=G.
- Note that this is equivalent to showing that F[2S(n) + 3T(n)]
- = "0", F[2S(n) + 3T(n) + 1] = "1", and that if n = [phi*m] for some
- positive integer m, then F[2S(n) + 3T(n) + 2] = "1". One could
- waste hours trying to prove some fiendish identities; watch how
- I sidestep this trap. For the first part, note that by the above
- lemma F[2S(n) + 3T(n)] = F[2*ceil(n/phi^2) + 3*floor(n/phi)] =
- F[2n + floor(n/phi)] = F[2n + floor(n*phi-n)] = F[floor(phi*n+n)]
- = F[floor(phi^2*n)] ==> F[2S(n) + 3T(n)] = "0". For the second, it
- is easy to see that since phi^2>2, if F[m]="0" ==> F[m]="1" hence
- the first part implies the second part. Finally, note that if n =
- [phi*m] for some positive integer m, then F[2S(n) + 3T(n) + 3] =
- F[2S(n+1) + 3T(n+1)] = "0", hence by the same reasoning as above
- F[2S(n) + 3T(n) + 2] = "1".
- Q.E.D.
- -- clong@remus.rutgers.edu (Chris Long)
- ==> series/series.20.p <==
- 1 2 5 16 64 312 1812 12288
- ==> series/series.20.s <==
- ANSWER: 95616
- The sum of factorial(k)*factorial(n-k) for k=0,...,n.
- ==> series/series.21.p <==
- 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 7, 5, ?
- ==> series/series.21.s <==
- The number of letters in the ordinal numbers.
- First 5
- Second 6
- Third 5
- Fourth 6
- Fifth 5
- Sixth 5
- Seventh 7
- Eighth 6
- Ninth 5
- etc.
- ==> series/series.22.p <==
- 3 1 1 0 3 7 5 5 2 ?
- ==> series/series.22.s <==
- The digits of pi expressed in base eight.
- ==> series/series.23.p <==
- 22 22 30 13 13 16 16 28 28 11 ?
- ==> series/series.23.s <==
- ANSWER: 15
- The birthdays of the Presidents of the United States.
- ==> series/series.24.p <==
- What is the next letter in the sequence: W, I, T, N, L, I, T?
- ==> series/series.24.s <==
- S. First letters of words in question.
- ==> series/series.25.p <==
- 1 3 4 9 10 12 13 27 28 30 31 36 37 39 40 ?
- ==> series/series.25.s <==
- 1 3 4 9 10 12 13 27 28 30 31 36 37 39 40 ...
- i in binary, treated as a base 3 number and converted to decimal.
- ==> series/series.26.p <==
- 1 3 2 6 7 5 4 12 13 15 14 10 11 9 8 24 25 27 26 ?
- ==> series/series.26.s <==
- 1 3 2 6 7 5 4 12 13 15 14 10 11 9 8 24 25 27 26 ...
- Take i in binary, for each 1 bit (in i, not changed) flip the next bit.
- This can also be phrased in reversing sequences of numbers.
- More simply, just the integers in reflective-Gray-code order.
- ==> series/series.27.p <==
- 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 4 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 4 2 ?
- ==> series/series.27.s <==
- 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 4 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 4 2 ...
- Number of factors in prime factorization of i.
- ==> series/series.28.p <==
- 0 2 3 4 5 5 7 6 6 7 11 7 13 9 8 8 17 8 19 9 10 13 23 9 10 ?
- ==> series/series.28.s <==
- 0 2 3 4 5 5 7 6 6 7 11 7 13 9 8 8 17 8 19 9 10 13 23 9 10 ...
- Sum of factors in prime factorization of i.
- ==> series/series.29.p <==
- 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 4 ?
- ==> series/series.29.s <==
- 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 4 ...
- The number of 1s in the binary expansion of n.
- ==> series/series.30.p <==
- I I T Y W I M W Y B M A D
- ==> series/series.30.s <==
- ? (first letters of "If I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink?")
- ==> series/series.31.p <==
- 6 2 5 5 4 5 6 3 7
- ==> series/series.31.s <==
- 6. The number of segments on a standard calculator display it takes
- to represent the digits starting with 0.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- | | | _| _| |_| |_ |_ | |_| |_|
- |_| | |_ _| | _| |_| | |_| _|
- ==> series/series.32.p <==
- 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
- ==> series/series.32.s <==
- 0 -> 1 01 -> 10 0110 -> 1001 01101001 -> 10010110
- Recursively append the inverse.
- This sequence is known as the Morse-Thue sequence. It can be defined
- non-recursively as the nth term is the mod 2 count of 1s in n written
- in binary:
- 0->0 1->1 10->1 11->0 100->1 101->0 110->0 111->1 etc.
- Reference:
- Dekking, et. al., "Folds! I,II,III"
- The Mathematical Intelligencer, v4,#3,#4,#4.
- ==> series/series.33.p <==
- 2 12 360 75600
- ==> series/series.33.s <==
- 2 = 2^1
- 12 = 2^2 * 3^1
- 360 = 2^3 * 3^2 * 5^1
- 75600 = 2^4 * 3^3 * 5^2 * 7^1
- 174636000 = 2^5 * 3^4 * 5^3 * 7^2 * 11^1
- ==> series/series.34.p <==
- 3 5 4 4 3 5 5 4 3
- ==> series/series.34.s <==
- The number of letters in the English words for the counting numbers.
- ==> series/series.35.p <==
- 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 2 2 3
- ==> series/series.35.s <==
- The number of letters in the Roman numeral representation of the numbers.
- ==> trivia/area.codes.p <==
- When looking at a map of the distribution of telephone area codes
- for North America, it appears that they are randomly distributed.
- I am doubtful that this is the case, however. Does anyone know
- how the area codes were/are chosen?
- ==> trivia/area.codes.s <==
- Originally, back in the middle 1950's when direct dialing of long
- distance calls first became possible, the idea was to assign area codes
- with the 'shortest' dialing time required to the larger cities.
- Touch tone dialing was very rare. Most dialed calls were with 'rotary'
- dials. Area codes like 212, 213, 312 and 313 took very little time to
- dial (while waiting for the dial to return to normal) as opposed, for
- example, to 809, 908, 709, etc ...
- So the 'quickest to dial' area codes were assigned to the places which
- would probably receive the most direct dialed calls, i.e. New York City
- got 212, Chicago got 312, Los Angeles got 213, etc ... Washington, DC got
- 202, which is a little longer to dial than 212, but much shorter than
- others.
- In order of size and estimated amount of telephone traffic, the numbers
- got larger: San Fransisco got 415, which is sort of in the middle, and
- Miami got 305, etc. At the other end of the spectrum came places like
- Hawaii (it only got statehood as of about 1958) with 808, Puerto Rico
- with 809, Newfounland with 709, etc.
- The original (and still in use until about 1993) plan is that area codes
- have a certain construction to the numbers:
- The first digit will be 2 through 9.
- The second digit will always be 0 or 1.
- The third digit will be 1 through 9.
- Three digit numbers with two zeros will be special codes, ie. 700, 800 or
- 900. Three digit numbers with two ones are for special local codes,
- i.e. 411 for local directory assistance, 611 for repairs, etc.
- Three digit codes ending in '10', i.e. 410, 510, 610, 710, 810, 910 were
- 'area codes' for the AT&T (and later on Western Union) TWX network. This
- rule has been mostly abolished, however 610 is still Canadian TWX, and
- 910 is still used by Western Union TWX. Gradually the '10' codes are
- being converted to regular area codes.
- We are running out of possible combinations of numbers using the above
- rules, and it is estimated that beginning in 1993-94, area codes will
- begin looking like regular telephone prefix codes, with numbers other than
- 0 or 1 as the second digit.
- I hope this gives you a basic idea. There were other rules at one time
- such as not having an area code with zero in the second digit in the same
- state as a code with one in the second digit, etc .. but after the initial
- assignment of numbers back almost forty years ago, some of those rules
- were dropped when it became apparent they were not flexible enough.
- Patrick Townson
- TELECOM Digest Moderator
- --
- Patrick Townson
- patrick@chinet.chi.il.us / ptownson@eecs.nwu.edu / US Mail: 60690-1570
- FIDO: 115/743 / AT&T Mail: 529-6378 (!ptownson) / MCI Mail: 222-4956
- ==> trivia/eskimo.snow.p <==
- How many words do the Eskimo have for snow?
- ==> trivia/eskimo.snow.s <==
- Couple of weeks ago, someone named D.K. Holm in the Boston Phoenix came up
- with the list, drawn from the Inupiat Eskimo Dictionary by Webster and
- Zibell, and from Thibert's English-Eskimo Eskimo-English Dictionary.
- The words may remind you of generated passwords.
- Eskimo English Eskimo English
- ---------------------------------+----------------------------
- apun snow | pukak sugar snow
- apingaut first snowfall | pokaktok salt-like snow
- aput spread-out snow | miulik sleet
- kanik frost | massak snow mixed with water
- kanigruak frost on a | auksalak melting snow
- living surface | aniuk snow for melting
- ayak snow on clothes | into water
- kannik snowflake | akillukkak soft snow
- nutagak powder snow | milik very soft snow
- aniu packed snow | mitailak soft snow covering an
- aniuvak snowbank | opening in an ice floe
- natigvik snowdrift | sillik hard, crusty snow
- kimaugruk snowdrift that | kiksrukak glazed snow in a thaw
- blocks something | mauya snow that can be
- perksertok drifting snow | broken through
- akelrorak newly drifting snow | katiksunik light snow
- mavsa snowdrift overhead | katiksugnik light snow deep enough
- and about to fall | for walking
- kaiyuglak rippled surface | apuuak snow patch
- of snow | sisuuk avalanche
- =*=
- ==> trivia/federal.reserve.p <==
- What is the pattern to this list:
- Boston, MA
- New York, NY
- Philadelphia, PA
- Cleveland, OH
- Richmond, VA
- Atlanta, GA
- Chicago, IL
- St. Louis, MO
- Minneapolis, MN
- Kansas City, MO
- Dallas, TX
- San Francisco, CA
- ==> trivia/federal.reserve.s <==
- Each of the cities is a location for a Federal Reserve. The cities
- are listed in alphabetical order based on the letter that represents each
- city on a dollar bill.
- ==> trivia/jokes.self-referential.p <==
- What are some self-referential jokes?
- ==> trivia/jokes.self-referential.s <==
- Q: What is alive, green, lives all over the world, and has seventeen legs?
- A: Grass. I lied about the legs.
- The two rules for success are:
- 1. Never tell them everything you know.
- There are three kinds of people in the world: those who can count,
- and those who cannot.